Author: admin

Broadway and other book stores remained closed during lockdown

In goa, during the lockdown in April, all the major bookstores including Broadway remained closed. So though people were confined to their homes, they could not purchase any book from the bookstore to spend their time reading.
Addditionally some of the stores like Broadway had a shop in the local mall in panaji, and it was also closed due to the lockdown

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Lockdown highlights the importance of stocking notebooks

Due to the human rights abuses on the domain investor especially radiation torture ordered by the indore robber raw employee deepika, the short term memory of the domain investor is adversely affected
Hence she requires a notebook for making notes while working, which she can refer at a later date
During lockdown most of local stationery shops were closed,
Fortunately the domain investor had a good stock of notebooks for making notes, which she could use.

Domain investor unable to subscribe to week magazine online due to ntro hacking, banking fraud


Increasingly magazines in India are asking their subscribers to make cheque payment. Open magazine asked for a cheque deposit in their account. For “The week” magazine, the domain investor was able to pay online for the last few years,

However in 2019, she is unable to pay online, clicking on save and payonline button is not working, using the Firefox brower due to massive online fraud in the indian internet sector, with raw/cbi employees falsely claiming to own her computer, internet connection, paypal, bank account to get a monthly raw/cbi salary without doing any kind of work

These raw/cbi employees are not doing any kind of computer work at all, yet shamelessly and falsely claiming to own the paypal, bank account of a single woman domain investor, they and their family, sugar daddies, relatives hate with the help of powerful fraud ntro employees who are hacking the laptop of a hardworking domain investor using the million dollar ntro equipment and making fake claims.

Due to ntro, google, tata cybercrime of deleting files from laptop of domain investor, she is forced to purchase notebooks

Entire folder deleted from Micromax laptop by ntro employees in cybercrime
The ntro employees are criminally defaming the domain investor as an uneducated person because she spends money on paper notebooks, yet the fact is that she is victim of ntro, google, tata cybercrime repeatedly

ntro, google, tata employees in panaji, goa are deleting whatever files from her micromax laptop whenever they wish without being detected using the million dollar ntro equipment in a clear case of abuse of power
The domain investor had taken a backup of an entire folder buyere from her website since she was planning to shift hosting
However she found that the entire folder is deleted by the google, tata, ntro employees out of hatred for her, to waste her time.

So the domain investor has realized that she cannot store any important data on her computer, it will be deleted, and she cannot even file a complaint. Hence she prefers to purchase paper notebooks, because the cowardly criminal ntro employees will not physically enter her house and destroy the notebooks.

Navneet long books not available in most stores in panaji, goa

Due to extensive hacking and duplication of her laptop by ntro, raw, cbi, google, tata, the domain investor does not keep any important information or do calculations on her laptop . though the domain investor alone is spending her time and money doing the computer work, raw/cbi are falsely claiming their school dropout, robber, cheater, fraud, call girl employees like slim goan bhandari sunaina chodan, who are not spending any time, are doing the work, to pay them monthly salaries, while criminally defaming the domain investor.

Hence she requires a lot of notebooks for keeping records, and calculation work
Earlier Navneet had a flowers series long notebooks which were priced only at Rs 15 each for 72 page notebooks
These were basic no frills notebooks
Now it appears that these notebooks are no longer available in the store, and few other stationery stores are also not stocking these notebooks.
The stationery stores, which the domain investor checked mainly have ITC classmate notebooks, cost at least Rs 20 each
If anyone is aware of a supplier of Navneet flower series notebooks for Rs 15, please send an email to

People have to pay money to purchase even cheap books, google, tata sponsored 10 robber liar raw/cbi employees refuse to pay any money for domains

The registries are not giving anyone domains for free, only if the annual fee is paid, a person can use the domain, otherwise the domain will expire,

yet in a clear case OF CORRUPTION, NEPOTISM, BANKING FRAUD, NTRO/raw/cbi/security agencies making fake claims about domain ownership falsely claiming that their favorite sex service providers, relatives like riddhi nayak caro, and other bribe giving raw/cbi employees , who do not spend any money on domains, own the domains of a single woman engineer, domain investor,.
Since her liar father, husband work in security agencies, shameless lazy greedy panaji robber queen cbi employee riddhi nayak caro, refuses to legally purchase domains, yet her father, husband, sugar daddies are duping people, companies and countries with their fake claims of domain ownership, abusing their powers

Even for purchasing the cheapest book, some money has to be paid, to legally own it, yet in an indication of the widespread fraud in the indian internet sector, raw/cbi employees like riddhi nayak caro, naina chandan, nayanshree hathwar, and others refuse to pay any money for domains, yet falsely claim to own them to get a monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor

People have to pay money to purchase even cheap books, google, tata sponsored 10 robber liar raw/cbi employees refuse to pay any money for domains, yet get salaries for faking domain ownership

NTRO mentally torture domain investor, tell her to purchase books using voice to skull technology

LIAR ROBBER NTRO employees think that making fake claims about domain ownership is their birthright
In a clear case of indian government FINANCIAL FRAUD LIAR ROBBER NTRO employees think that making fake claims about domain ownership is their birthright causing great financial losses to the domain investor, who is criminally defamed
They are always using voice to skull technology to mentally torture the domain investor, telling her to purchase books, because they will continue to mislead people about the ownership of domains which belong to a private citizen falsely claiming that their sex service providers, relatives and friends, who do not spend any money on domains, own them.
Only female domain investor is subjected to criminal defamation financial fraud by the liar, robber ntro/ raw/cbi employees helped by google, tata , they do not harass male domain investors in a clear case of SEXUAL harassment, wasting indian taxpayer money

Gujju sex queen cbi employee naina chandan making fake stories of book shopping by her lazy fraud son nikhil

One of the greatest problems living in panaji is that the local intelligence and security agencies are blindly believing in the complete lies of the google, tata sponsored microchipped school dropout gujju sex queen cbi employee housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh because top gujju ntro employees like parekh, parmar, nikhil sha are addicted to her sex services and the powerful fraud brahmin mhow cheater puneet is her sugar daddy giving her fake references to destroy the life of his btech 1993 ee classmate who the mhow cheater puneet hates

the shamless LIAR google, tata sponsored microchipped school dropout gujju sex queen cbi employee housewife naina chandan knows that she and her sons are not doing any computer work, do not have any customers outside india and also know that some of the most powerful government employees in India are willing to break all rules only to have SEX with her, So for the last 7 years gujju sex queen cbi employee housewife naina chandan has shamelessly and falsely claimed to own the house, paypal, bank account of a single woman engineer to get a monthly cbi salary at the expense of the engineer

with so many top government officials addicted to her sex services, gujju sex queen cbi employee housewife naina chandan is aware that the government will believe whatever false stories she is making up. So the gujju sex queen was telling a neighbour that her lazy fraud son nikhil, a shameless LIAR making fake claims, likes reading , is always asking naina for money to purchase books, so that she could falsely claim that he was writing the content, and she could continue getting a monthly salary without doing any work.

the gujju sex queen cbi employee housewife naina chandan was also telling the neighbour that she had stopped giving her son nikhil money for buying books, another lie of the pampered gujju sex service provider. Compared to other places like Mumbai, panaji has plenty of libraries, reading rooms which are free. If nikhil,the son of gujju sex queen cbi employee housewife naina chandan really liked reading he would spend his time in the library, reading books

Instead gujju sex queen cbi employee housewife naina chandan’s son nikhil, like most young people does not like reading, he spends most of his time using the mobile, driving his car at a very high speed, watching tv and talking to his friends on mobiles,he is almost never spotted reading any book. So gujju sex queen cbi employee housewife naina chandan should end her fraud of falsely claiming that her lazy fraud sons who do not spend time reading and writing, own the iwriter account and make money writing, her lies will be easily exposed.

Most people who like reading have very less free time

One of the greatest frauds of the google, tata sponsored gujju sex service provider cbi employee housewife naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, is how she is falsely claiming that her lazy greedy fraud sons karan, nikhil , who do no computer work are avid readers.

In reality the lazy greed sons of the gujju fraudster naina chandan, do not spend any time reading books as a hobby, like goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan, relies on her lovers, these young gujju fraudsters rely on the powerful lovers of their mother naina chandan, parmar, parekh, and nikhil sha to abuse their powers, and make fake claims that the sons of their sex service provider own the bank, paypal account of a single woman engineer to get these young gujju fraudsters a monthly indian government salary.

There are many free libraries in panaji, goa, and in a clear indication that young people like nikhil, karan are hardly reading any books, almost no one is borrowing books from the english section of the library. These young gujju fraudsters are spending most of their free time with their mobile phones or driving at very high speeds, and then rely on the powerful lovers of their mother to make fake claims

Movie, tv serial script, book story with more masala than movie Simmba available

The movie simmba is only telling part of the story of the corruption and crime in Miramar, which has become legendary online. The corruption, sleaze and crime in Simmba is partly inspired by the google, tata masterminded, sex, bribery racket, banking, financial identity theft fraud since 2010, to increase the profit of these greedy fraud companies.Movie, tv serial script, book story with more masala than movie Simmba available

Though the movie makers like blog owners will post a disclaimer that the movie story is a work of fiction, in reality it is usually based on a true life incident or stories. Since 2010, to destroy competitor, google, tata have asked security agencies to closely monitor the domain investor, after falsely labelling her a security threat without any proof at all. Though the corrupt security agencies have not found any proof against the engineer, domain investor, the surveillance has made the engineer, extremely vulnerable to crime, and she is being robbed repeatedly, her house is being trespassed.

Since she has been told that police usually do not bother about crimes where the losses are Rs 50000 or less, she has not filed a police complaint however she has documented all the crimes in panaji goa in great detail on her websites, since it is unique content. Since the engineer, domain investor is closely monitored by security agencies who label her a security threat. Yet, instead of finding anything against her, they are only finding stories of corruption and crime in Miramar, how the security agencies in the area have got school dropouts like gujju housewife naina, who looks like actress sneha wagh, goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan, raw/cbi jobs after taking sex, money bribes from these women.

It appears that the stories of corruption and crime in miramar have become famous all over india, and now the scriptwriter of the movie Simmba has used miramar as the location for the movie, not even bothering to change the name of the place. The crime and corruption at miramar used in simmba is only part of the sleazy google, tata masterminded sex, bribery racket, banking financial fraud, identity theft racket on a single woman engineer, domain investor since 2010, which could be converted into a television serial or series of movies. Anyone interested in the complete story can contact