Google, tata, ntro, cbi , raw led by the prostitute pimps puneet, j srinivasan are ruthless in defaming , cheating and exploiting the google competitor to the maximum possible extent, so that their lazy greedy goan sex worker sunaina, siddhi, fraud friends nayanshree hathwar and other lazy frauds get credit and a monthly salary without spending any time and without doing any work at all.
Initially they thought that their goan bhandari R&AW employee sex worker friend sunaina, a lazy fraud would get credit for the book reviews, however anyone who reads the book review, will realize that ntro is involved in a major sex racket
So if the sex worker, fraud are not getting credit for work they do not do at the expense of the google competitor, the sending of books has also been blocked to a large extent and a major publisher believes the lies of ntro employees