Author: admin

LIAR FRAUD R&AW/cbi employees do not buy books, do not read books, do not spend time writing, yet SHAMELESSLY MAKE CLAIMS, to get credit and monthly salaries

Indicating the widespread rot in the indian government and society, LIAR FRAUD R&AW/cbi employees do not buy books, do not read books, do not spend time writing, yet SHAMELESSLY MAKE CLAIMS, to get credit and monthly salaries at the expense of the real writer who is actually spending 8-10 hours or more daily reading and writing for the last 8 years
The reading and writing fraud can be easily exposed, yet the government is so inefficient that it cannot even detecting the writing fraud of its employees, and continues to waste a huge amount of taxpayer money, paying them monthly salaries.

NTRO’s massive manipulation of online content, forces citizens to purchase books

NTRO is openly involved in massive manipulation of online content as part of their sexual harassment, coercive control campaign, So the information available in the browser is usually manipulated
This forces citizens to purchase books

Онлайн продажа никогда не была настолько легка! Для онлайн продаж Unimall предоставляет компаниям очень легкую и функциональную панель. С помощью панели управления компании могут осуществлять продажу товаров из своих магазинов, а также на заказ. Продавцы посредством многофункциональной админ-страницы управляют своими товарами и акциями, так же как и в своих физических магазинах. Тысячи товаров из категорий Электроника, Бытовая техника, Красота и здоровье,