Questions to Ask Before Using Home Cleaning Services in Singapore

It is not uncommon for working people to use home cleaning services in Singapore to keep a property clean. After all, having finished work for the week, many people would much rather go out and see the sights than be at home cleaning the bathroom. However, not all home cleaning services are created equal. So, what questions should you ask before you hire one?

The most important question to ask is what you get for the fee you will pay. What are the services they will perform each week for you? You should also ask what extra services they offer and how much they cost. Washing windows, for example, is not likely to be part of the weekly clean. But, the service may still offer this cleaning task for an additional fee. Continue reading “Questions to Ask Before Using Home Cleaning Services in Singapore”

Unns a story about R&AW, honey traps (which NTRO employees exploit )

Fraud NTRO employee puneet exploits R&AW paronia about honey traps to steal his harmless classmates resume, savings, destroy her life
The book Unns by Sapan Saxena is promoted as a high school romance when it should be marketed as one of the few books available on R&AW and honey traps. More than 7 years after the great R&AW, NTRO, cbi identity theft fraud on the domain investor started in 2010, it is now obvious that the cunning fraud brahmin NTRO employee puneet, domlur director cunningly and ruthlessly exploited R&AW paronia about honey traps to steal his harmless female btech 1993 ee engineering classmates resume, savings, correspondence and memory, destroy her life completely with the help of frauds like indore document robber R&AW employee veena

In reality the fraud ntro employee puneet was madly in love with shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, 2005 bbm from bhandarkars college of arts and science,. kundapura, udupi karnataka, yet because he wanted to STEAL the impressive resume, savings, correspondence of his btech 1993 ee classmate, a single woman bhandari engineer, domain investor,a google competitor, he made a great tamasha of knowing his classmate very well, wanting to help her, when actually he hated her.

Similarly ntro employee j srinivasan remains madly in love with google, tata supplied slim goan bhandari sex worker sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc who is only intereted in SEX with powerful men and instead of being honest about his infatuated with the goan bhandari sex worker who was not even born in 1989 to give 1989 jee , the mentally unsound ntro employee j srinivasan, is duping people, companies and countries that the panaji prostitute was his btech 1993 ee classmate to get the sex worker a R&AW job at the expense of his experienced classmate

Actually even in engineering college there was almost no connection between the google competitor and the fraud puneet and others, they were only in the same class, and the coursework is so much, that students have no time for other activities, especially if they cannot remain sleepless and do their work sincerely without copying from others. No one is studying very hard to get a good JEE rank , top 300 in India without having a definite aim in life.

However when the cunning fraud ntro employee puneet (like j srinivasan) expertly manipulated his bosses with his lies about fake help,fake relationship, he effectively ruined the google competitors life as his seniors really believed in his fake stories and put the harmless google competitor under surveillance, denying her fundamental rights . If he was honest initially and told everyone that there was no connection at all, the intelligence agencies, R&AW, NTRO would have left her alone, as a private citizen, like other male indian domain investors , who had worked hard and took the risk of investing money online which almost no indian woman would do.

After stealing the retirement savings, resume, correspondence of the google competitor and domain investor, the fraud ntro employees puneet, j srinivasan, vijay, parmar, patel and others are now honest that they are not connected to the google competitor in any way, yet they are refusing to return the hard earned money of the single woman engineer they have stolen, and ending their resume, correspondence theft.
Reading Unns it is clear that the cunning powerful fraud NTRO employees led by brahmin cheater puneet, j srinivasan exploited the R&AW paronia about honey traps to destroy the life of their female btech 1993 ee classmate who they actually hated wasting crores of indian tax payer money in the process, falsely claiming to help.

cbi has allegedly blocked sending free books won in goodreads giveaways

Google, tata, ntro, cbi , raw led by the prostitute pimps puneet, j srinivasan are ruthless in defaming , cheating and exploiting the google competitor to the maximum possible extent, so that their lazy greedy goan sex worker sunaina, siddhi, fraud friends nayanshree hathwar and other lazy frauds get credit and a monthly salary without spending any time and without doing any work at all.

Initially they thought that their goan bhandari R&AW employee sex worker friend sunaina, a lazy fraud would get credit for the book reviews, however anyone who reads the book review, will realize that ntro is involved in a major sex racket

So if the sex worker, fraud are not getting credit for work they do not do at the expense of the google competitor, the sending of books has also been blocked to a large extent and a major publisher believes the lies of ntro employees

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I Needed a Treat Yourself Day

Sometimes a woman just needs to feel beautiful. I was having one of those days last week. I decided what I needed was a nice relaxing pamper myself day so I decided the day was going to be all about me relaxing. I started by getting me a hot coffee and reading at the cafe for a bit. Then I decided I should get a mani and pedi so I went to Orchard nail salon. They helped me relax and unwind and I left there feeling like a million bucks.

The salon was very modern and up to date looking. I chose to get a spa pedi and a set of french tips. The lady who did my feet was very cheerful and polite. I relaxed while she got to work. I soaked my feet for a bit before she scrubbed them. When she was done my soles were the softest they have been since I was a child.

I chose french tips as my work won’t allow for bright colors. They do have a very large selection of colors to choose from if a person is looking for something a bit more vibrant. Continue reading “I Needed a Treat Yourself Day”

LIAR FRAUD R&AW/cbi employees do not buy books, do not read books, do not spend time writing, yet SHAMELESSLY MAKE CLAIMS, to get credit and monthly salaries

Indicating the widespread rot in the indian government and society, LIAR FRAUD R&AW/cbi employees do not buy books, do not read books, do not spend time writing, yet SHAMELESSLY MAKE CLAIMS, to get credit and monthly salaries at the expense of the real writer who is actually spending 8-10 hours or more daily reading and writing for the last 8 years
The reading and writing fraud can be easily exposed, yet the government is so inefficient that it cannot even detecting the writing fraud of its employees, and continues to waste a huge amount of taxpayer money, paying them monthly salaries.

Low cost suppliers of books on different topics required

Second hand, closeout and low cost suppliers of books on different topics required for reference and for library, details of books wanted available online at Books to read

Paper notebook, exercise book, scribbling pad suppliers required

Due to theft of confidential and valuable digital data by ntro/nsa, more companies are keeping all their data offline, storing in paper format which their rivals cannot easily access. Hence the demand for paper books and related products are likely to increase in the future. Manufacturers, dealers, distributors, retailers of paper notebooks and related products like scribbling pads interested in a free listing at Bookseller can send their details by email to and

Shopping for books online no longer a good deal

Compared to 5 years ago, shopping online for books is no longer a good deal as the prices for books online have increased to a very great extent. Though the online book seller may offer a good discount, the courier charges have increased to a very great extent on some websites with almost every vendor on large websites charging Rs 60 for delivery of a book to the online buyer. For inexpensive books, the cost of courier charges will be more than the cost of the book.
In contrast local book sellers are offering a discount of 30-50% on the book that they have in stock, and there is no additional fee to be paid. The reader can also spend some time and read the book to check if the content will meet their requirement, whether it has information which they are looking for.

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Listing of Exhibition and trade shows all over the world so that business owners can plan their trip to participate in the exhibition or have a stall accordingly, Facility providers like exhibition stall designers and fabricators, stall staff firms, security agencies, can also get a listing.

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